The island closed to let nature breathe – video

Thailand, the famous beach of Maya Bay, on Phi Phi Island will remain inaccessible for at least another two years. Devastated by mass tourism, since it was closed it has seen marine nature regenerate.

The Phi Phi Islands are a small archipelago in the Andaman Sea, belonging to the Thai province of Krabi in the south of the country. In recent years the islands have become very popular as a tourist destination. They became famous after hosting the set of the film The Beach, with Leonardo DiCaprio. The authorities of Bangkok are trying to give back to nature what the human being – also through tourism – has taken away, causing problems both to the flora and to the local fauna. The goal is to regrow corals and make tropical fish – including sharks – thrive to allow nature to regain lost balance. The video released by Tg1:

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