Opere d’arte inondano i social media dopo la morte dell’elefante incinta in India

La morte di un elefante incinta in Kerala ( India) dopo aver mangiato un ananas ripieno di petardi ha suscitato indignazione da tutto il mondo sui siti di social media. Le foto dell’elefante in piedi nell’acqua per raffreddare le sue ferite hanno inondato Internet e tutto il web ha chiesto una severa punizione per i responsabili. Ne abbiamo parlato in questa notizia: elefantessa uccisa da ananas con petardi . Mohana Krishnan, un funzionario della sezione forestale che faceva parte del team Rapid Response che ha tentato di salvarla, ha pubblicato un post sull’incidente su Facebook . Il furore è cresciuto dopo che un’autopsia ha rivelato  che l’elefante era incinta.

Mentre alcune testate giornalistiche hanno riferito che l’animale è stato alimentato intenzionalmente con gli esplosivi, le ultime ricerche suggeriscono che il metodo era di solito usato per intrappolare e uccidere cinghiali e altri animali. I funzionari hanno sostenuto che Krishnan non aveva detto nel suo post che l’elefante era stato deliberatamente nutrito con un ananas ripieno di esplosivo. Ha invece evidenziato il pericolo dell’uso di esplosivi per allontanare gli animali selvatici. Ma dopo il tumulto, molti hanno condiviso opere d’arte in omaggio all’elefante sui social media. Ecco alcuni esempi:

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“she trusted everyone,they killed her”

Un post condiviso da Bratati Maity (@bratati_maity) in data:


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😣 #kerala #keralaelephants #keralaforest #human #babyelephants #doodlemuni #funchershop #bangalore #keralaartist

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The news of her death is beyond gruesome, how can we fall to such levels of inhumanity. Yet, she didn’t hurt anyone, went to the river, trying to soothe her wounds to no recovery and passed on to the next world, grieving the loss of her unborn children. She didn’t leave the river. Her and the spirits of her children became one with the currents of an eternal place. What is daunting is that an animal can show us such kindness even when we’ve been beyond despicable towards her. Let’s put prayers out but also let’s decide to end this by taking actual actions. Sign petitions, say no to elephant rides, report abuse, educate yourself, and people around. We worship Ganesha but don’t know anything about the elephant or for that matter about the Earth, environment. Let’s change that. This should end. let’s try to be her children. – – – (Pregnant elephant Amba tragically died in Malappuram she ate cracker-stuffed pineapple. Heart is broken in a million pieces…😔) . Art by @chetanadvirkar . #art #artist #artshare #artistsoninstagram #ganpatibappamorya_ #ganpatibappamorya🙏 #gannubappa #shivaji #shivajimaharaj #marathimanus #digital #digitaldrawing #digitalart #digitalpainting #digitalpainting #creative #creativegaga #procreate

Un post condiviso da Chetan Advirkar (@chetanadvirkar) in data:


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“Maa where are we?” . . “I don’t know dear but I definitely think this place is way safer than where we were 😇. No one can harm us here now 😢” . . I am totally devastated with the incident that happened in Kerala. Stuffed crackers into pineapple and fed it to the pregnant elephant? Really?! Dear Humans, we fkn way better than this! 😥. . . I received so many DMs requesting to create an artwork as tribute to these innocent lives. Here’s my little contribution 😞. I didn’t want to re-create an artwork based on the actual incident. I just want to portray that the innocent Mommy elephant and her baby, has born and way SAFER and HAPPIER now! 😔🙏🏽✨. . . And those of you who did this cruel act, I hope justice will be served! ✋🏼. . . #kerala #keralaelephants #justice

Un post condiviso da Rames Harikrishnasamy (@ramesstudios) in data:

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And still we have audacity to ask why nature is Angry with us!!! Art by @indian_illustrator #pregnant #elephant #stopanimalcruelty #saveanimals 💔

Un post condiviso da Uday Mohite (@indian_illustrator) in data:

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#shameonhumanity . . . . . . . . . . . . #animalsarethebest #elephant #kerala #babyelephants

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ഏറെ സങ്കടകരം 😔 . കൊല്ലപ്പെട്ട അമ്മയാനയുടെ വയറ്റിൽ നിന്നും പുറത്തെടുത്ത വളർച്ചയെത്താത്ത ആ കുഞ്ഞ് ആനക്കുട്ടിയെ കണ്ടത് സഹിക്കാൻ കഴിയുന്നതല്ല.. ………………. Fact Check : . An Elephant was killed in Kerala’s Mallapuram district?.. The tragic incident happened in another district, Palakkadu, and it is not Mallapuram – it is Malappuram. . Malappuram is the most violent district in the country?.. There is absolutely no evidence to back that claim up. In fact, Malappuram has been the target of such outrageous lies for some time.. . The elephant in question was fed pineapple laced with crackers by the villagers?.. Preliminary forest dept inquiry report suggests that tragic death of Kerala elephant was not because the animal was ‘fed’ pineapple laced with crackers by villagers but because the elephant strayed into a trap laid for wild boars who destroy crop.(via Rajdeep Sardesai) . Is there any difference? Yes, one is intentional act of cruelty and another is a mishap occured while they were trying to protect their crops . I know some of you didn’t bother to fact check. Because you heard what you wanted to hear, that Malappuram is violent. . #stopthekilling #EndAnimalCruelty #ProtectWildlife #keralaelephants #elephant #babyelephants #elephantdrawing #drawing #digitalpainting #digitaldraw #sketch #sketching #sketchbook #autodesksketchbook #quarantinedays #lockdownart #artdaily #artwork #ലോക്ക്ഡൗൺ_വര

Un post condiviso da Ajeesh Kumar (@imajeesh) in data:


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” They say an elephant never forgets ” #riphumanity @hindustantimes

Un post condiviso da Arpit dudwewal (@arpitdudewal) in data:

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