Find out what’s behind the red spots that appear on the skin

Have you noticed on your skin, or in someone you know, the presence of small moles or red dots? Sometimes they are slightly raised and appear on the neck, chest and back. But why are they going out? They are dangerous? Lunar crimson often appears suddenly on the skin. They don’t hurt, but they can be a little unsightly. These small bumps, called angiomas , are usually found in people with very fair skin, although they also appear with age. They are commonly called ruby ​​points. They are angiomas made up of blood vessels which appear on the skin for various reasons such as age, family inheritance or breakdowns in the body which do not cause any disease but warn you that something bad is happening in your body.

According to experts, it could be due to minor disturbances in our liver . Also to a bad diet or to accumulating too many toxins in our intestines and liver. Its origin is in an abnormal growth of small blood vessels. They measure from 1 to 4 millimeters and it is possible to have them in the armpits, heels, genitals, chest, back, legs or arms. The red moles that appear on the face, hands and other exposed parts of the body that protrude from our clothing may be due to overexposure to the sun , so it is important to apply sunscreen, especially during the summer.

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The best thing is to clean our intestines and help the liver to strengthen . Try to drink at least two liters of water a day and consume plenty of fresh vegetables, including juices. It is very useful to consume carrots, artichokes and celery. You can also start the day with a glass of water with lemon juice. Add avocado to your diet and olive oil. Furthermore, to follow a balanced diet, it is important that your skin is always hydrated, that you consume a lot of vitamin C and avoid exposing yourself to the sun in the most intense moments of the day. Although these angiomas are said to be not dangerous, it is advisable to go to the doctor if they suddenly appear in large numbers and suddenly. Also, if these angiomas are irregular, rough, measure more than 6 millimeters, and get darker and darker, we will need to see a dermatologist.

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It should be clarified that does not provide medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, neither directly nor indirectly, does not assume responsibility for such acts. The intention of the site is only to offer general information to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.


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