WhatsApp: how to read deleted messages, here’s how to recover them.

You will have happened to find a message in a Whatsapp chat in which it was written: “This message has been deleted” . In fact, the much used messaging app allows you to delete unread messages, but there is a trick to be able to read them anyway and recover the removed chats :

By now, Whatsapp is in our life in a predominant way, we use it both for work and for private life , it can happen that we write or receive messages and then by mistake they are deleted, but do not worry: they can be recovered !

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There are third-party apps that allow you to recognize the content of deleted chats and recover messages. One of the most used is WhatsRemoved + it can be installed on android devices is very simple to use, it requires authorization to access the information on your device.

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When installing the app, you can select the folders you want to monitor. You can choose the folders of the deleted files including the videos and files present. Whenever a message is deleted on the monitored messaging application , you are notified and to see what has been deleted, just open the notification and click Detected.

However, when the user deletes the deleted message, the app does not allow you to view the message. However, installing this app violates the user’s choice to delete the message or media file.

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If, on the other hand, the message has been mistakenly deleted from a chat, just back up the chats.
Settings> Chats> Chat Backup.
Going to the settings, you can choose how many times to do it: daily, weekly or monthly. Another app, Notisave , promises to do something similar. Video link:

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