Self-Sabotage and your Love Life, how to stop the headgames

In many circumstances, being in a romantic relationship means having a firmer , happier, and more secure life. However, in some circumstances, certain relationships paradoxically seem to make the life of one or both partners worse! Quarrels and, unfortunately, even crimes, are often caused by a passionate life abruptly influenced by a series of negative episodes which, in reality, in most cases could be avoided. In the United States, one way to indicate a “toxic relationship” (or at risk “toxicity”) is to use the term headgames :

What are headgames and how to recognize them

By consulting various insights written by some online psychologists, it is possible to understand how by headgames we mean all those attitudes committed by one or both partners that prove to be competitive rather than reassured by the mutual presence. In particular, in these risky relationships there are partners who cultivate numerous suspicions about the other person’s attitudes:

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For example, we speak of a depressed partner who poses almost non- existent problems , such as the lack of sensuality or asking himself problems about his habits . These real mental complexes are almost always fueled by misunderstandings resulting from the lack of dialogue and, often, by attitudes interpreted in an erroneous and sometimes even sensational way. For instance:

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If your partner often (or every day) leaves dirty dishes in the sink or elsewhere in the house, your reaction may be to think that he wants to tell you to start helping him … but without saying it in a way. clear. If this problem persists, you may continue to feel uncomfortable until you are able to ask him directly what is wrong and what you can do .to solve the problem. Those dirty dishes left in the sink may have been left there to send you a message, or because your partner has a habit of leaving them for later washing. Well, as long as at least one of the two partners continues to ask questions without promoting a dialogue, she could be the victim of a headgame. Another example:

Let’s say the problem is related to your physical appearance (such as hair loss ). If your partner were to talk indirectly about your hair (for example, a new and “trendy” haircut) you could fall into an alleged headgame causing problems about your physical appearance . Again, confronting the problem directly in words is more effective than sulking for days or weeks! If you cannot or do not want to communicate with your partner, confiding in each other, then it means that perhaps you should question your relationship (and consult a psychologist.professional). Another piece of advice is not to turn your boyfriend or girlfriend into the “center of the universe” but rather into the person you love more than others. This means continuing to cultivate other friendships, hobbies and activities outside of your partner In some cases, these phenomena can also occur among single people who would like to have a relationship with a person they know but who are constantly bombarded with negative thoughts caused by the lack of dialogue. A sort of “relationship limbo” that can easily have negative effects on our psyche and mood . The headgames (or the so-called ” toxic relationships“are not at all to be underestimated and the increase in these situations could cause aggressive phenomena if not even with tragic implications in the relationships between partners. In this regard, we report below the links to some in-depth studies published on the web:

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How to resolve a toxic relationship | Powerful ways to make a toxic relationship healthy – video link:


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