In Europe, a desalination device has been invented which converts 7,000 liters of salt water into fresh water in one hour. Here’s how it works

Water supply, in times of climate change and drought , is proving to be increasingly important and demanding. For this we need devices capable of transforming non-potable water into potable water , such as sea water:

One of the new inventions – made in Finland – is able to purify seawater or dirty fresh water in an energy-efficient way. The device – manufactured by Finnish company Solar Water Solutions – is designed for continuous use and the typical energy consumption per 100 liters of water produced is only 0.18–0.33 kWh . Our larger capacity appliances consume even more energy:

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The cleaning process safely removes salt, bacteria, viruses, chemicals and other harmful substances, and the water it produces tastes like water, meaning the taste is neutral. This technology – the Finnish company assures – is mechanical , which makes the hardware durable. The system is fully automatic , requires no adjustment and uses high quality, tested and certified parts.


The most common and efficient way to purify water is the reverse osmosis process , in which only pure water molecules can pass through the filter membrane. The method requires constant pressure, which in turn requires a constant electric current. The problem with using solar energy for this purpose has been its variable nature: sometimes it’s sunny and sometimes it’s cloudy . Solar Water Solutions’ patented technology keeps the pressure required for the cleaning process constant, allowing the use of solar energy. In the sunniest countries, our equipment also works completely without backup power and batteries. In a Finnish summer house, thesolar energy and can be used in bad weather with a generator if needed, or directly with mains power if electricity is available. The innovative equipment is produced in 230 V, 12 V and 24 V models. The equipment can be connected to a solar system, and can be used in case of bad weather with a generator, if necessary, or directly with the electricity grid. In this regard, we report below the links to some videos disseminated on the web:

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