Scientists discover simple formula for prolonging life

Increasing your physical activity intensity for as little as one minute while performing daily activities can have significant health benefits, one study suggests.

Lack of time is no longer an impediment to maintaining a healthy life . Small one-minute bursts of vigorous exercise during daily routines, such as cleaning the house, walking or playing with a pet, can significantly reduce the risk of dying, according to a study from the University of Sydney and published in the journal Nature Medicine. from cancer or heart disease in more sedentary people.

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This is the first study with wearable devices specifically focused on the health effects of physical activity that is performed as part of daily life ,” explained Dr. Emmanuel Stamatakis , one of the authors of the research, in an interview with EL PAÍS The The scientist stressed the importance of investigating how people who do not exercise regularly can find benefits by including physical activity in their daily activities and routines. More than 70% of middle-aged people worldwide don’t get enough exercise.

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Researchers compared data from over 25,000 “non-sporting” people in the UK over a seven-year period, dividing the participants into two groups: those who really barely moved and those who did at least one short but vigorous activity , such as running to catch the bus, climbing stairs or doing household chores.

Even though these types of short-lived activities only lasted a minute or two, their benefits were similar to those of long-duration exercise. The study showed that just four to six minutes of vigorous exercise a day , spread over three sessions, could reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by up to 49% and the risk of dying from another cause by up to 40%. .

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While there isn’t enough evidence to show that short bouts of exercise directly lead to better health outcomes, one relationship suggests. More research is needed, but the study findings suggest that including short bouts of exercise in everyday life may be a useful strategy for improving health. “ There are many daily activities you can do that get your heart rate up for a minute or more ,” Emmanuel Stamatakis said in a press release.

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Being physically active is one of the best ways to keep your body and mind fit, and every little step counts. Both cardio and strength training have been shown to promote good health. ” To increase the intensity of your daily activities, you don’t need time, preparation, gym membership or special skills. It’s just about picking up the pace as you walk or do chores with a little more vigor,” he concludes . .

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