How to calculate the exact time you should go to bed according to a neurologist

Usually the moment of rest is delayed by work, a movie on TV, a book or any other activity that we would like not to interrupt. So, most of the time, we end up falling asleep too late and not getting enough sleep. But what would be the exact moment when we should go to sleep to wake up refreshed, with enough strength to face a new day properly? According to Dr. Andrew Huberman of Stanford University , a simple formula can show us how it should be calculated:

How to calculate the exact time you should go to bed according to a neurologist:

“Does your afternoon energy slump (mild or severe) occur at 2:30, 3:00 pm? Write it down for a few days . Assuming there are no major changes in sleep patterns at night or you eat a particularly large lunch, it is likely that the ideal bedtime is six to seven hours after that fall , he adds, as reported by The Sun. Simple and effective! Sleep patterns are controlled by the circadian cycle , the body’s natural clock. It works as long as we don’t hide from the light , consume too much caffeine , alcohol , etc.In the morning, the body releases hormones that wake us up in response to sunlight . But as the day progresses, other chemicals begin to be released in the body that can make us feel tired. Then the so-called ” postprandial depression ” appears.

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The key to knowing when to go to bed can be found in tracking when this drop in energy and sleepiness occurs, as it provides an indication of how far along we are in the sleep-wake cycle, Huberman believes. So if we start feeling tired around 3pm, we should try to fall asleep between 9pm and 10pm.

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