It is possible to make rechargeable batteries from crab shells. Here’s how according to scientists

Scientists have long used the outer shell of crabs and shrimps to produce useful ingredients and medical products:

protagonists of the observation of scientists are the polysaccharides of chitosinpolymers that form the outer shell of many marine creatures, from insects. According to scientists, by distilling hard carbon from this chitosin , the circuits and anodes of rechargeable sodium batteries , such as lithium batteries, can be made . An alternative can also be found.

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By extracting pure chitosin from crab shell , if it is heated to 538 degrees Celsius , it becomes carbon, now if it is mixed with tin sulfide or iron sulfide , it can be used as anode or positive electrode of a Li-ion battery sodium Can be modeled:

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Yun Chen and his colleagues at Shandong First Medical University in China conducted this research which they say can be used as an alternative to lithium-ion batteries , can be expanded to form a better anode, tin-based experimental battery, and steel was built and can be recharged at least 200 times :

It should be noted that lithium reserves are rapidly declining worldwide as the same metal is used in batteries ranging from smartphones to cars, in which context chitosan batteries can become an environmentally friendly and economical alternative.

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#alternativeenergy #batteries #crabs

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