Scientists recognize beneficial effects on mental health of “chanting om” – Mantra. The outcome of the scientific study on the analysis of the brain in the moment of meditation

The so-called ” Om ” or ” mantra ” would represent more than a holistic discipline resulting from an oriental culture. Now, scientific research also recognizes potential anti-stress properties in the simple and popular practice:

a bit like for prayer, adopting this attitude throughout the day would help to obtain what holistic enthusiasts call “positive energy”, activating various areas of our mind. This has been proved by the research of the scientists of the Biomedical Research Center of Dr. Uttam Kumar , senior scientist. According to the group of researchers, hectic life and the resulting stress are increasing among people who, in some circumstances, should not be treated only with drugs in case of mental illness or anxiety states. Based on this concept, the research involved several people:

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About 20-30 people, aged between 18 and 35 , underwent drug-free mantra research and chanted. Along with this, they were also shown the image of the interior through the computer. When every moment of movement within their brains was observed on external computer monitoring, it was found that during this period, these people’s brains appeared to be fully active . On the other hand, when the same people heard the second voice, their brains seemed disabled again. When they came out, they were asked how they were feeling and they said their stress was gone and they were feeling a lot of positive energy:

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These people were again asked how they were feeling now, but reported no stress after that day. Later our research was successful and it was published in American General in 2014. After its publication, many scientists from India and abroad have contacted us, they are also researching this mantra so that people can get out of mental illness. Scientist Dr. Uttam Kumar said that apart from that, the research was done on Vedic mantras in the year 2021, in which there was success, it was done on about 50 people. They have a brain and behavior laboratory, where comprehensive reports are prepared.

#om #mantra #health

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