The record intervention: a 2-kilo tumor exported from a 10-month-old girl to the “Bambin Gesù” (Rome)

At the Bambin Gesù in Rome , a tumor weighing about 2 kilos was successfully removed in a 6-hour operation. It was a benign tumor , more than 13 centimeters in size in the right side of the liver of a 10-month-old girl. The tumor was successfully removed by a team from the Bambin Gesù in Rome.

This type of tumor, called mesenchymal hamartoma, is benign and involves abnormal growth of liver cells. Simply put, cells are “normal” but grow abnormally. It is quite rare, but occurs mainly affecting the liver in the first two years of life.

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The poor little girl had a constriction in her stomach, intestines and pancreas due to the presence of the tumor mass. The tumor weighed 2 kilos , practically a quarter of the weight of the little girl herself. Professor Marco Spada , head of hepato-biliary pancreatic surgery and liver and kidney transplants at the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital, managed to export it with his team, without any complications and the little girl returned home a few days later.

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Her liver has already resumed the regeneration process and the baby feeds and grows regularly. The alarm of the existence of the problem was given by her parents, in fact compared to her twin brother, the little girl did not eat and had a swollen abdomen. She was taken to the emergency room and the diagnosis arrived, which ended in the best way for the little girl.

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