Titan, the US military admits it used a secret device to locate the wreck

The tragedy of the Titan – a small submarine which was destroyed near the wreck of the Titanic – would have been anticipated by the signals of a “secret” device supplied by the Army of the United States of America :

According to some online news outlets, the US Navy likely recorded the sound of the Titanic’s tourist submarine imploding shortly after its disappearance, according to one report. “The United States Navy has conducted an analysis of acoustic data and has detected an anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion in the general vicinity of where the Titan submersible was operating when communications were cut,” said a senior US Navy official to the Wall Street Journal in a  statement .

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“Although not definitive, this information was immediately shared with the incident commander to assist with the ongoing search and rescue mission.” Sound emanating from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean was detected in an area where debris from the submarine was located . Several hours  after the debris was found, officials noted that the five people on board had presumably died in an implosion.

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