Why does tuna in oil cost less than the natural one?

Canned tuna in oil – as well as canned mackerel and sardines – costs less on average than natural tuna for several reasons:

  • The oil is a natural preservative. Canned tuna needs to be stored safely, and the oil helps with that. Natural tuna, on the other hand, must be preserved with a greater amount of salt, which is an artificial preservative. Salt is more expensive than oil, so plain tuna costs more.
  • Tuna in oil is heavier. Natural tuna is preserved in water, which is much lighter than oil. This means that tuna in oil takes up less space in the cans and can be transported and stored at lower costs.
  • Tuna in oil is more popular. Tuna in oil is more popular than tuna in brine, so manufacturers can sell it at a lower price.

Additionally, tuna in oil can be made using a variety of oils, including olive oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil. Soybean oil is the cheapest of these oils, so tuna in soybean oil is often the least expensive on the market. However, it is important to note that natural tuna is healthier than tuna in oil. Tuna in oil contains more calories and fat, while tuna in brine contains more protein and less fat.

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