martedì, Febbraio 11, 2025
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Tag: cancer

Monoclonal antibody kills tumor without surgery in 100% of patients, the...

A very small study in rectal cancer patients produced unprecedented results: remission in 100% per cent of the participants. Study lead author Andrea Cercek ,...

Cáncer de páncreas: causas, síntomas y factores de riesgo. Una vez...

El cáncer de páncreas  ocurre cuando  las células  del  páncreas  , un órgano glandular detrás del  estómago  , comienzan a multiplicarse sin control y...

Câncer de pâncreas: causas, sintomas e fatores de risco. Novamente, ser...

O câncer de pâncreas  ocorre quando  as células  do  pâncreas  , um órgão glandular atrás do  estômago  , começam a se multiplicar fora de...

Hydroxychloroquine in Treating Patients with cancer: types and phases of trials

Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. The clinical trials on this list are studying Hydroxychloroquine. All trials on the list are supported by...
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