martedì, Febbraio 11, 2025
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Tag: science

Why do we like unhealthy and fattening foods so much? Scientists...

Why do we like unhealthy and fattening foods so much ? How does this preference develop in our brain ? " We think the...

Scientists discover simple formula for prolonging life

Increasing your physical activity intensity for as little as one minute while performing daily activities can have significant health benefits, one study suggests. Lack of...

Africa will split in two and a huge new ocean will...

Africa , the second largest continent after Eurasia , is slowly but surely splitting in two . A group of scientists - also reports...

More common than previously thought, the magnetic sixth sense is present...

A recent research study - published in the journal "Nature" on February 22 has indicated that the ability to sense the magnetic field may...

Anche i ratti soffrono il solletico, lo dice la scienza

Anche i ratti soffrono il solletico, ma solo se si trovano in una situazione di benessere. Questo è dovuto dal coinvolgimento della corteccia somatosensoriale,...

Why do shooting stars always fall in San Lorenzo? The scientific...

Why do the so-called "shooting stars" appear above all (but not only) during the " Night of San Lorenzo " ? Fortunately, there is...

Antidepressants: Here’s why a new scientific study challenges serotonin

A British study questioning the efficacy of chemical antidepressants has sparked heated debate in the scientific community, where there is no clear consensus on...

The human heart can repair itself after a serious heart attack:...

Did you know that the heart is capable of repairing itself even after a severe myocardial infarction ? A scientific study from 2022 confirms...

Gli scienziati hanno sequenziato il genoma umano più completo di tutti...

Gli scienziati sono riusciti a ricostruire milioni di pezzi mancanti di DNA umano, producendo la sequenza più completa e senza interruzioni del genoma umano...
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