How to get a rosemary plant starting from a cutting, practically at no cost.

Rosemary is a plant widely used in the kitchen and with a thousand benefits , it can be planted with the ancient cutting method and we can obtain an aromatic plant at home at practically no cost:

1. From the period from March to September it is necessary to cut branches 15cm long from a rosemary plant.
2. Eliminate the leaves at the base (2/3 of the total)
3. Plant the branch for about 1/3 of its length and water every day to allow the roots to adapt to the new soil and make the plant grow.
The idea of ​​giving a cutting is really nice and original, rosemary is very precious and used in the past by the ancient Romans because it has antiseptic, digestive, bactericidal, aromatic properties, it helps health and hair growth.

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