Where is the gigantic waterfall with “moss garden” – VIDEO + Google Maps directions

An exciting video caught the attention of multiple users on the web. In the images of the short film it is possible to admire a real “garden of mosses” hidden in a gigantic fountain:


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GloboChannel.com , found that lovers of natural landscapes in southern Zhejiang confirm thatYandangshan Mountain is renowned for its peaks, while Nanshan Mountain is famous for its waterfalls “. Wencheng Countyin Wenzhou City, where Mount Nanshan is located, is endowed with a myriad of waterfalls, among which the Baizhangji waterfall is considered the highest (in height) in all of China. Mount Nanshan is an alpine platform created between numerous mountains in Northern Wencheng County, to which the Donggongshan Mountains extend through the Fujian and Zhejiang provinces and for over 500 km:

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Located on the alpine platform of Mount Nanshan , the Baizhangji waterfall is a collection of rainwater distributed in an area of ​​more than 600 km2 of mountain. From the 256-meter-high cliffs on the edge of the platform, the waterfall plunges with awe-inspiring grandeur likely beyond your imagination. The Baizhangji Scenic Area consists of a gigantic V-shaped gorge with a length of 1200m and a water level difference of 353m. In the Area, with the three-stepped cliff surface, the downhill drop appears to be three connected sections of different heights. Below are other links to videos spread on the web:

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Do you want to visit Baizhangji Falls but need directions? Here are the coordinates from Google Maps :

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#cina #falls

Source: http://english.wenzhou.gov.cn/art/2015/9/28/art_1231284_2352916.html

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