Birdwatching: This is how birds help reduce human stress

New studies show that seeing and hearing birds reduces people’s stress. We tell you how to take advantage of it and improve your well-being.

The universe communicates through birds.
Nature heals. This is stated by scientists from various parts of the world, including: the University of Exeter, the British Ornithology Fund and the University of Queensland in Australia. These institutions claim that birds help reduce human stress.

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They came to this conclusion after studies involving hundreds of people and found that seeing birds in and around your home has beneficial effects on your health.

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One of the results that could be achieved thanks to surveys is that observing birds promotes well- being , regardless of whether they are seen from the window, in gardens or within the neighborhood. As the SEO organization Bird Life Spain states , this indicates that cities can become healthy places to live if they are combined with nature and the arrival of native species is encouraged.

What is sought in these cases is to promote wildlife in urban environments , to redesign cities that are greener, healthier and with greater biodiversity. Everything in nature has advantages: Thanks to the contributions of these studies, it has also been possible to understand that people who spend less time outdoors tend to experience higher levels of anxiety and/or depression.

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Even in previous research it has been shown that contact with the environment stimulates the senses, broadens the ability to observe and improves reasoning . All of this reduces the risk of developing various conditions in childhood, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) .

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As stated in SEO Bird Life Spain : Health and birding go hand in hand. More and more people are looking to relax and disconnect from daily anxiety through initiatives that take place in green spaces.

Wilderness travel, hiking, camping and outdoor expeditions, workshops and volunteering are some of the strategies chosen by those seeking to live a more peaceful lifestyle.

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In this sense, the Ornithological Reserves were also born where the participants dedicate themselves to bird observation and contact with them in environments of freedom and protection.

According to the NGO Aves Argentinas , birdwatching is the beginning of a path of reconnection with nature. Independently or through initiatives in reserves and urban parks, birdwatching is an activity that promotes well-being and enhances the relationship with nature.

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There are special observatories that allow the study of the different species and their migratory habits . However, the best way to enjoy contact with these animals is to observe them in the wild, in wild environments.

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