Spring Detox: 3 herbal teas for detox and eyesight + 20 kinds of liver nourishing ingredients, the best way to eat in spring

In spring , the weather warms up and everything recovers, but because people don’t get enough vitamins and trace elements in winter, they tend to appear in spring, such as angular cheilitis, glossitis, and even various skin problems.
Because the human body’s blood circulation and hormone secretion are changed, temperature changes, can induce symptoms such as high blood pressure, heart disease, dizziness and insomnia.

Professionals remind that if you can keep your health well in the spring, it will not only allow the liver to stay healthy, but also eliminate fatigue and avoid diseases in the upper body.

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Combining the information of Wu Mingzhu, a Chinese physician , and Pan Wei, a well-known Japanese medicated cook , Chinese medicine’s five internal organs correspond to the ” five colors and five flavors “, and spring corresponds to the liver of the five internal organs.

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Liver belongs to wood, and wood is burned to make a fire. Also, since “the liver rules dredging ,” it means that the liver plays an important role in maintaining the smooth flow of air throughout the body.

If the dredging function of the liver is not good, the whole body will be affected, which will easily lead to physical and mental fatigue, general discomfort, and even affect the digestion and excretion in the gastrointestinal tract.

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Yin Shenghua, MD at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and executive director of the Research Committee on the Establishment of the World Federation of Chinese Companies, also pointed out that the concept of “liver” in Chinese medicine is different from the concept of ” liver” in Western medicine.

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The “liver” in Chinese medicine is intended to promote blood circulation. It plays an important role in the smooth distribution of nutrients and fluids throughout the body. Furthermore, it is also responsible for storing and transporting blood to various parts of the body, so that the physiological functions of the body can proceed smoothly. If liver function is low, not only will blood circulation become poor, but the autonomic nerves will also suffer.

Green and sour ingredients are essential to nourish the liver in spring. They soothe the liver, relieve depression, ease emotions, and help the liver detoxify. Therefore, it is recommended to
eat green vegetables and acidic ingredients to nourish the liver. It can achieve the effects of soothing the liver, relieving depression and helping the liver detoxify .

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Liver-protective ingredients include: celery, celery, spinach, Japanese mizuna, komatsuna , chrysanthemum, leek, broccoli, green pepper, lettuce, perilla, kiwi, lemon, mung bean, edamame, large cucumber, gherkin, bamboo shoots, kelp and greenback fish (jack mackerel, mackerel, etc.).

Chinese medicine doctor Wu Mingzhu further reminded that the   (intestines and stomach) belong to the earth. Because “wood holds earth”, if the liver is too strong, it will affect the spleen and stomach.

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Chrysanthemum wolfberry tea : It is a tea drink that is suitable for regulating qi and clearing the liver in spring. Chrysanthemum contains a variety of alkaloids and flavonoids, which have the effects of clearing heat and detoxification, dispelling wind, and clearing the liver, and improving eyesight; wolfberry is rich in vitamin C and E, which has the effects of nourishing kidney and qi, and improving eyesight.

Ginger lemon tea: Ginger can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis and help protect the liver; lemon is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidant substances, which can help remove free radicals in the body.

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Cucumber apple juice: Cucumber is rich in water and vitamins, and has a diuretic effect; apples contain pectin, polyphenols and other ingredients, which help detoxify and cleanse the intestinal tract.

Wu Mingzhu , a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, once explained that wolfberry and chrysanthemum can not only unclog the liver and improve eyesight, but also produce body fluids to quench thirst and reduce liver inflammation.

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