Alcohol, as scientists have discovered the technique to immediately eliminate the state of intoxication

Researchers have developed a drug that makes drunk mice conscious . This drug is manufactured using fibroblast growth factor hormone – 21 (FGF21). Scientists predict that this drug will help eliminate intoxication in people in the future:

Although the FGF21 hormone does not help reduce the amount of alcohol in the body , it is possible to eliminate some effects of intoxication , such as the classic drowsiness and dizziness , and increase brain alertness , according to the researchers. Both human and mouse livers produce this hormone. In this regard, scientists believe that the new drug, which may go on sale in the future, will also have a positive effect on people by returning the state before the one caused by intoxication:

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“We found that the liver not only participates in alcohol metabolism, but also sends a hormonal signal to the brain that protects against the negative effects of intoxication, including headaches and coordination disorders. Thus, we have shown that we can increase the amount of FGF21 by injection and speeds up the process of eliminating the intoxication. It does it through ,” said University of Texas molecular biologist Stephen Cleaver .

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Previously, it was found that one of the reasons for the increased release of FGF21 in the body may be the consumption of ethanol – an ingredient in alcohol. This is one way the body tries to protect itself from intoxication: this hormone causes a feeling of thirst and as a result, an intoxicated person tries to drink plenty of water and further reduces the desire to consume ethanol :

In a new study, scientists found that mice that don’t naturally produce FGF21 took longer to regain coordination and body reflexes when given ethanol. And when ethanol was fed to mice with natural FGF21 in their bodies, they got rid of the intoxicating venom faster. In the course of the study, another special effect of the FGF21 hormone was revealed, more precisely, this hormone seemed to affect a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain called the locus coeruleus . This area of ​​the brain is responsible for releasing chemicals called norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that regulates wakefulness and sleep.

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According to our research, the FGF21 hormone primarily affects the brain. We are now closely studying the neural pathways through which FGF21 affects alertness ,” said University of Texas pharmacologist David Mangelsdorf . However, the FGF21 hormone did not have the same effect when tested with ketamine, diazepam or pentobarbital in the study. This means that FGF21 can handle ethanol better. According to the scientists, because the mice often ate fermented fruit or other ethanol-containing foods, the hormone FGF21 developed and the liver should be used to fight off the alcohol.“The result of the study showed that the FGF21 hormone secreted by the liver and affecting the brain is a process that occurs to protect against intoxication caused by ethanol. That is, it can be used in the pharmaceutical treatment of alcohol intoxication” , concluded the researchers.

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