On April 4, 2023, China’s Xinhua news agency reported that Chinese researchers have developed self-charging saltwater batteries embedded in the human organism . According to the authors of the research, this device would have the ability to kill cancer cells by controlling the environment that supports tumor growth :
The study was recently published in the journal Science Advances . This battery is explained to reduce tumor volume by an average of 90% in two weeks . and eliminated tumors in four out of five mice when combined with a pharmaceutical compound called tirapazamine . The Fudan University team was inspired by the redox reactions of the battery electrodes . They design embedded devices. It consists of polyimide containing biocompatible carbonyl and zinc metal. The battery was thus able to create a self-discharge and recharge cycle to use the oxygen in mouse tumors. This checks the oxygen content and pH level of the tumor :
The study revealed that the battery also enhanced the antitumor efficacy of tyrapasamine in killing cancer cells in mice. Tyrapasmine takes advantage of the reduced oxygen state. Cancer cells ( depleted of oxygen) selectively kill cells depleted of hypoxia . He added that saline batteries have good deformability. therefore, it can be implanted subcutaneously on the tumor surface and adequately cover the tumor surface:
Zhang Fan , a professor at the university and one of the authors of the above study – identified that the saline battery could be used as an effective regulator of the tumor microenvironment for tumor therapy. No abnormal changes in body weight, skin and normal organs in mice were reported during treatment. This indicates that the battery is functioning safely within the body.
Xia Yong Yao – a professor from the university who co-authored this study – indicates that this work is a cross study between battery technology and biotherapy. which not only provides a new way of treating tumors but also prototyping batteries for biomedical applications.
The scientific study at: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adf3992
#cancer #tumor #cure