Most nutrition experts say that losing weight is 20% movement and 80% food . And as happens in life, the forbidden fruit tastes best:
And that no doubt includes sugar , because who doesn’t like chocolate, ice cream, or some kind of cake. However, the most recent study, in which American and Chinese scientists participated, according to CNN , underlines the enormous negative effects of excessive sugar intake on our health.
Limit yourself to six teaspoons a day:
In a large review of 73 meta-analyses including 8,601 studies, high consumption of added sugars was associated with significantly higher risks of up to 45 adverse health outcomes, including diabetes, gout, obesity, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, cancer, asthma, tooth decay, depression, or premature death. It is important to note that added sugarsare those that are added during food processing, packaged as table sugar or other sweeteners, but also those that occur naturally in syrups, honey, fruit juices, vegetable juices, purees, pastas and similar products, in which the structure cell phone was jammed. This category does not include sugars naturally present in dairy products or structurally in whole fruits and vegetables.
The study notes add that the World Health Organization (WHO) suggested in 1989 that added sugars should make up no more than 10 percent of your daily energy intake. CTV News adds that the same organization updated the guidelines again in 2015 to recommend a further reduction to about five percent, which equals about six teaspoons of sugar per day. In this context, the Today portal points out that to reduce the risk of these adverse effects, scientists have come to the conclusion to suggest a reduction in the consumption of free sugars or added sugars below 25 grams (which is about six teaspoons just mentioned) per day.Just for fun, the average American consumes 22 teaspoons of sugar a day. NBC Palm Springs reports that 6 teaspoons of sugar can be found in 2.5 chocolate chip cookies, a pint of fruit punch, or 1.5 tablespoons of honey.
Correlation between sugar and disease
Evidence for a link between free sugar and cancer is limited and controversial and requires more research, the study authors said. However, according to the study, the finding could be explained by the known effects of sugar on weight : high sugar consumption is associated with obesity , which is a strong risk factor for various types of cancer. The same goes for cardiovascular disease . Another conclusion is that highly processed foods , which may be high in free sugar , increase inflammation , a risk factor for depression .
“Increased sugar intake can promote inflammation in the body, which can put stress on the heart and blood vessels, and this can lead to increased blood pressure,” noted behavioral scientist Brooke Aggarwal, who did not was involved in the present study, per CNN in February. ” Whole grain carbohydrates take longer to break down into simple sugars, and some of them, fiber , can’t be broken down at all. This means that whole, intact grains don’t cause the same blood sugar spikes that we experience when we eat simple sugars “ said Maya Adams, assistant professor of pediatrics at the Stanford University School of Medicine .
“A blood sugar spike triggers an insulin spike, which can destabilize our blood glucose levels and…in the long run, can be the root cause of health problems,” she added .
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