Five solar storms are expected by the end of March 2023, a phenomenon on the rise according to experts

According to the forecasts  of the Solar Astronomy Laboratory  , on March 24, 25, 26, and also on March 30 and 31, magnetic storms will cover the Earth . One of these – scheduled for Saturday – will be in category G2 , the rest – G1 :

Experts note a sharp increase in solar activity in 2023 . Up to mid-February, five outbreaks of the highest class were recorded, compared to only seven in all last year, and three in 2021. The increase in solar activity is almost a third higher than expected . In total, there are five tiers in the magnetic storm classification, from G1 to G5. A weak storm is believed to cause minor outages in the power grid, as well as affect the migration routes of birds and animals. Severe storms cause disruptions to shortwave communications and navigation systems, as well as power outages in industrial networks:

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Recall that one of the strongest magnetic storms in recent years lasted on Earth for more than 35 hours. It began on the evening of February 26, gradually building in intensity. Since midnight, the magnetospheric activity increased to level G2 and in the afternoon to G3. The magnetic storm continued for several hours and into February 28.

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#solarstorm #sun #magneticstorm

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