sabato, Luglio 27, 2024
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Tag: dog

Morto a 12 anni il cane-meme famosissimo sui social

Il cane Cheems Balltze - divenuto virale sui social per una divertente fotografia - è morto a 12 anni il 18 agosto del 2023...

A strange animal was wandering on the roadside, people were surprised...

Humans keep many animals for their entertainment, dogs and cats for company and often we run into pure selfishness, so much so that we...

Babbo Natale è arrivato anche in canile. La gioia dei cuccioli,...

Un bellissimo video che mostra alcuni cani che vivono in un canile festeggiare anche loro il Natale. Il tutto è stato organizzato da Dogs Trust...

Can Dogs Eat Zucchini? Effects and risks

In many cases, we wonder if some of the vegetables that we humans routinely eat may also be suitable for our four-legged friends. In...

This Stubborn Husky Refuses to Give Up the Front Seat –...

Haven't we all been in this situation before? Growing up (and probably to this day!) we all love to sit in the front seat...
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