sabato, Luglio 27, 2024
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Tag: plants

The 9 indoor plants, resistant and very easy to care for

Having indoor plants is a great opportunity to give a unique and natural change to your home, choose any one from the list, you...

“Plants scream when they suffer”: the video with the “crying” of...

Do plants suffer like us humans? Not really, but the concept of suffering would not be foreign to the life forms of the plant...

Aromatic plants: we tell you their story and their benefits

On this occasion we invite you to explore the aromas, fragrances and flavors of plants that appeal to our senses of smell and taste....

Hydroponics: how to make a soilless cultivation system

Hydroponics allows you to have your own garden ... Even if you don't have the land to cultivate it! Here we tell you everything...

Enhance your garden with 6 natural fertilizers

Quando ami davvero il tuo orto, non puoi accontentarti di una semplice piantumazione e di alcune informazioni in rete. Dovremmo applicare tutto ciò che...
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