The super quick recipe for gluten-free waffles

They are much loved by adults and children, very versatile in the kitchen and can be enjoyed both in the saute and sweet version, we are talking about waffles !! Today we will discover a very quick and easy recipe to prepare them in the gluten-free version, so that everyone can enjoy them.

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Ingredients (for 4 waffles):
– 2 eggs
– 50 g of sugar
– 80 g of seed oil
– 200 g of rice flour
– 5 g of baking powder
– 3 tablespoons of vegetable almond drink
– icing sugar to taste

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Heat the waffle iron. Combine the eggs and sugar in a bowl and with the help of a whisk combine the ingredients. Then add the seed oil, then the flour and yeast. Finally, the vegetable drink. Once you have a smooth and creamy consistency, place a quarter of the batter on the plate and cook for about 2 minutes. Then plate and serve your waffles sprinkling with icing sugar. You can also add maple syrup, chopped nuts or fresh fruit to taste!

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