Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF, flyby with the Earth: online observation – 2 Feb. 2023 – link video

Comet C/2022 E3 ZTF is ready to amaze us at its brightest, reaching its minimum distance from the Earth. And today you have a unique opportunity to enjoy the show! In the framework of their partnership, the Virtual Telescope Project ( and Telescope Live ( will share comet C/2022 E3 live online, while their telescopes in Italy and Spain will capture in real-time the beauty of this ancient, icy world:

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The Virtual Telescope Project is an international leader and reference in real-time coverage and sharing of the main celestial phenomena, while Telescope Live is a pioneer in the offer of remote telescopes and online services for astronomical photography from the darkest places on the planet. Together, they will offer you such a fantastic journey of discovery. The live feed is scheduled for the 2nd of Feb. 2023, starting at 04:00 UTC, when comet C/2022 E3 ZTF will be around its minimum distance from our planet. The live feed is scheduled for 2 Feb. 2023, at 04.00 UTC. (the comet in the poster is C/2020 F3 Neowise, not the C/2022 E3 one). Link video:

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