The actor of the film “Babe”, a vegan, saves a piglet and names it after the one in the feature film – video

The actor James Cromwell continues to be talked about, more for his marked animal rights activism than for his film career, now attributed above all (but not only) to the cult film ” Babe, brave pig “:

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Honorary director of PETA , Cromwell is continuing to support the international organization for animal rights in order to transfer a piglet to the Indraloka Animal Sanctuary after the animal accidentally fell from a truck on its way to a factory farm , where it would have been fattened for slaughter:

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According to PETA, the piglet was found ” scratched, bruised and covered in mud” when it was rescued just hours into the Easter holiday weekend. During a video call, Cromwell baptized the rescued piglet with the name of ” Babe “, just like the protagonist of the film which, in 1995, made him famous all over the world. When the film Babe was released in the United States, it was reported that “activists around the country patrolled theaters with flyers documenting real-life abuse of pigs.”

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The film had a marked effect on the growth of vegetarianism, particularly among young people. It also promoted a more comprehensive view of animals’ intellectual, emotional, and social capacities. James Cromwell – already a vegetarian at the time – became an ethical vegan after playing the role of Farmer Hoggett , saying: ” I decided that in order to be able to speak about this film with conviction, I had to become a vegan “. In 1996 he went on to host a vegetarian dinner for the homeless in Los Angeles at a ” Compassionate Christmas” event in order to reverse the barnyard view that ” Christmas is carnage “. Video links:

#babe #peta #vegan #

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