Egypt, mummified heads come out of the ground, that’s what’s happening

Skulls of heads that are about 2,000 years old are spewing out of the ground in Egypt . Some American scholars have found these heads along the banks of the Nile. The Egyptian cult has always been closely linked to death and has always fascinated by traditions and particular characteristics.

Everything starts from the pyramids that hide ancient mysteries and traditions. Mummification was certainly a practice widely used in this area, the process of mummification can be natural in some cases, but in Egypt in most cases it was artificial, dehydrating the body of the corpse quickly, preserving its tissues.

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This process requires a very precise knowledge of human anatomy and for this reason in Egypt it was carried out only by expert priests. First the internal organs were extracted with a hook, then the body was immersed in water and salt for 40 days . After this period, the body was covered in oils, spices and wrapped in linen bandages.
Eventually the body was kept in a sarcophagus, usually decorated with gold and precious stones. In the eleventh century this practice also spread to the East.

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Even today in Egypt there are mummies from many years ago, one of the latest discoveries was made in the Abydos area , about 400 km from Cairo. Numerous discoveries have been made in this area, including the temple of the goddess Osiris.

The team of American archaeologists from New York University who followed the excavations were amazed when they found more than 2,000 mummified heads in the ground. Most of the skulls were of sheep dating back to about 4,300 years ago . The find, according to scholars, should be linked to the pharaoh Ramses, the team of archaeologists hopes to find other artifacts in the area.

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