Anemic and seriously ill children in Ancient Egypt: the discovery of archaeologists through the analysis of mummies

In Ancient Egypt , not only dead adults but also children were mummified . By studying their bodies, scientists have thus been able to learn a lot about the life that existed in this famous place in the world several thousand years ago:


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According to what is learned, studying the mummies of the children using computed tomography without removing them from the burial wraps, they found that these children were affected by severe forms of anemia . In total, the paleopathologists examined the bodies of 21 minors, ranging in age from 1 to 14 years. Seven children showed signs of anemia – a pathological increase in the cranial vault . Scientists can’t say for sure whether anemia was the cause of death, but it most likely was one of the reasons. One of the children examined suffered from thalassemia :


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insufficient hemoglobin was being synthesized in his body. The deceased child is less than a year old. Most likely, he was suffering from the symptoms of this disease. Previously, archaeologists unearthed two thousand mummified sheep heads. The results of the study were published in the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology .

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