A snake with two heads discovered in Italy is the second find. That’s where

embed photo source: Rai

A snake born with two heads has been found in the countryside of Liguria , Italy.  As Rai also reports , it is an Austrian Coronella , a colubrid completely harmless to humans. The species is quite common in Vallescrivia , where a representative of the free-legged group found this individual, probably just born. The photo was shared on social media:


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As Cronaca.news also points out , the animal would appear to be active, but the vital functions would be reduced : it was born when the temperatures (especially at night) dropped by more than 10 degrees. Subsequently, the difficulties faced by these individuals who are born with a homozygous twin generation defect must be taken into account . The two heads appear completely autonomous . It is therefore complex for this specimen to even decide which direction to take on its journey. Furthermore, its respiratory and digestive organism is only one but the hunger impulse reaches both heads which can sometimes attach. In some cases, some snakes in captivity affected by polycephaly have proved to be even necessary to cover one head to feed the other and to wait for the intestine to digest the prey in order not to engorge the narrow intestinal systems.

In the past, we recall a previous discovery which took place in Prato – in Tuscany – in October 2007, therefore more than fifteen years ago and also in that case it was a two-headed Coronella . Previously, in Spain , a rare specimen of Elaphe scalaris was discovered in 2001 by a farmer in the Alicante territory . In Vallescrivia the Coronella species is well present and widespread as well as throughout the Ligurian Apennines, in the two taxonomic distinctions:

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“Coronella girondica” the Colubro di Riccioli , and “Coronella austriaca” the smooth snake , living throughout Italy except in Sardinia. a wholly harmless colubrid .

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#snake #two-headed snake #colubro #two-headed #two-headed snake

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