What is the lightest color in the world of natural origin according to a scientific study

As you know, normal colors are made up of the combination of various components such as oil, heavy metal pigments such as cobalt and cadmium, which are blue and yellow. But colors in nature are not like that, but instead of pigments they use topography and have a very low weight:

Now, University of Central Florida scientists have developed a color that mimics the color structure found in nature . This study is called ” Ultra-light plasmonic structural colored paint “, and its purpose is to make an aluminum mirror using an electron beam vaporizer. After much effort, the researchers realized that the accumulated aluminum particles formed a microscopic structure called ” Nanoislands “, which prevented the development of a reflective surface to create the aforementioned mirror:

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Scientists set out to create different colors by growing these aluminum structures in a two-way mirror and managed to produce colors close to natural colors. The main advantage of these colors is that they need less volume to paint objects. For example, the Boeing 747 aircraft normally needs 1,000 pounds of regular paint to paint its entire surface, whereas with paints developed by Canadian scientists, just 3 pounds of these colors can cover the entire surface of said aircraft:

This will result in a considerable saving of the oils used in the production of the paints. Another important feature of the new colors is that they do not lose their quality in sunlight. For example, airlines typically repaint their planes every four years due to the oxidizing effects of the sun. But if new structural colors are used, there will be no need to paint the planes in a short period of time.

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Another plus is its new structural colors that keep things fresh. Currently, most airplanes use white paint to reflect light, while infrared radiation is absorbed and makes the interior of the aircraft hotter. Now we have to wait and see how the developed colors can be used on a large scale.

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Source: https://www.techspot.com/news/98051-scientists-accidentally-created-world-lightest-paint-mimicking-mother.html

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