Illuminate your home by making seawater drinkable with a low cost skylight. The revolutionary economic device

What if the Sun could purify our water ? What if it doesn’t need human intervention or electricity ? What if this low-cost solution could provide coastal regions with an abundance of salt water but minimal access to clean water ? Designer Henry Glogau’s solar desalination skylight solved several problems with a single product:

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The device is in fact a low-cost source of lighting for low-income families but also a real desalination plant for sea water. The solar desalination skylight is a finalist in the LEXUS DESIGN AWARD 2021 . Now in its ninth year, the Lexus Design Awards are on a mission to design and innovate for a better future for humanity and the planet. The awards program seeks solutions that have a unique positive impact on society, humanity and, in the process, reward a new generation of designers for their impactful ideas. The main focus of the Lexus Design Award it has always been about promoting great ideas and great talents. Creating the perfect environment for the growth of a design . The design uses free and abundant solar energy and sea water to create soft lighting, as well as clean, potable fresh water:

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The leftover brine from the purification process is also used as chemical energy to power the dim light as night falls. The result is an inexpensive design, which makes brilliant use of the resources at its disposal:

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Seawater is fed through a pipe into the spider-shaped skylight. In addition to illuminating the interiors, the project uses the energy of the sun to desalt the sea water, which is accessed via a tap located right at the base of the skylight. At night, the residual salt water is used to generate an electrical charge that powers the light , creating a closed circuit that makes the most of abundant resources for the benefit of humanity. Video link:

The solar desalination skylight is one of the six finalists of the  2021 LEXUS DESIGN AWARD.

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