A simple hack that will save you money while shopping: “A great idea”

It’s easy to look at that leftover half an onion or half an avocado and be tempted to throw it away, especially if you don’t know how to store it or have nothing to store it. But one Reddit user shares a simple change he’s made to stop throwing out unused food and how he’s saved tons of money in the process.

In his post the user shares: ” I know, it’s very trivial, but it fills me with so much satisfaction. I looked up how to preserve half an onion and I learned how to use an airtight container. I didn’t have anything available, then I saw this jar that it was about to be thrown away.”

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While it may seem like a small thing, this is a first step towards being more sustainable in the kitchen, which can also save you a lot of money. It’s a great alternative to throwing out ingredients you haven’t used all in one dish. Even if you think you won’t be able to use the ingredient before it goes bad, this gives you a chance to do so. It can also inspire you on a night when you don’t know what to have for dinner.

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Also, the Redditor uses an old airtight jar, rather than a disposable item like plastic wrap. There are plastic containers for storing ingredients like onions and avocados, but it’s still cheaper and more convenient to reuse a used jar, thus preventing it from ending up in landfills.

One of them suggests storing more stuff in repurposed jars : ” I’ve repurposed my salsa jars to hold carrots to keep them fresh. I’ve also used them for chocolate chips and beans.”

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Others have offered their pride and encouragement. “It’s a great idea and I congratulate you,” read one comment.
« It’s a good first start!! “adds another. « Welcome aboard, we’re glad you’re here! «. And you, what do you do to preserve your food?

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