Aromas that connect with emotional balance and creativity

There are some aromas that will be of great help in connecting with creativity and emotional balance, but they offer other benefits as well.

What are the aromas that have to do with emotions?
Lemon and Green Citrus
Rosemary Jasmine
Mint Thyme Bergamot Citron Lavender Cardamom Geranium Rose Mandarin Neroli Vetiver Petit Grain Ylang Ylang

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How to use these perfumes?
We will talk about perfumes that connect with emotional balance and creativity. These can be used through essential oils or by purchasing the plants directly. They also work as a nice decoration.

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Perfumes can be of great help to those who are experiencing anxiety issues. As well as those suffering from lack of sleep or to have better concentration, energize and improve their mood.

What is the importance of perfumes?
The influence of open spaces, natural light and music can be considered as agents that trigger well-being. Being a definition that also reaches certain types of colors and plants. Managing to convey different sensations and collaborating with each other to create more productive environments. This is why it is so common to take into account the importance of aromas when generating a stimulus for creativity through smell.

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Aromatherapy is known as a discipline whose main characteristic is to specialize in the analysis, promotion and study of the use of integrated fragrances in environments . Based on the desired results. In other words, it is also important to recognize the properties that each natural perfume has, beyond personal taste.

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In humans, the sense of smell is very powerful, decisively influencing brain activity . Because the bulbs that move it are in charge of integrating the limbic system, which is where emotions and learning are processed. For something like this, it is that certain types of aromas encourage creativity. Like serenity or the emotional and physiological state that you want to enhance.

Therefore, aromas reach all the senses and have the ability to produce effects in various aspects of life. As well as the emotional, mental and spiritual plane that is related to the experiences and experiences of each person. For those more interested in the subject, the use of fragrances through essential oils allows the activation of the hypothalamus. Which is a part of the brain that sends messages to other sections, generating results.

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What are the aromas that have to do with emotions?
Neuroscience has been able to explain that when a person inhales an aroma, a mixture of molecules occurs and travels to the nose, which is where the receptors are located. There are millions of olfactory neurons that are activated and are in charge of sending signals to the brain, so that smells are decoded. This is what is called smell and the use of fragrances can represent certain emotions.

Facilitates concentration and focus and, at the same time, promotes calmness in the face of anxiety and anger.

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Motivating and stimulating, ideal when it comes to improving memory retention. Fight tiredness, mental fatigue and overwhelm.

The use of fragrances such as jasmine helps to calm tensions and fight moods such as depression, sadness and melancholy. It is also very revitalizing, promoting a feeling of optimism and confidence. This is a sweet, rather exotic essence that denotes tranquility, which is why it is widely used for meditation, as it offers the possibility of having full relaxation.

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It is one of the aromas that has stimulating properties, helps fight mental tiredness and significantly improves concentration. It’s not just synonymous with childhood, remembering afternoons at grandparents’ house. Its penetrating scent helps promote personal motivation, reducing fatigue and anger.

Perfect when it comes to creative processes, as it increases energy and is invigorating for the environment. Facilitate concentration and collaborative thinking.

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One of the stimulating aromas, being a herb that promotes the reduction of fatigue in the body. That’s why it’s perfect to start the morning right and to activate the immune system.

It has calming and uplifting properties, soothes feelings of sadness or anxiety, lifts the spirits and frees people from the need to be in total control. It also helps to flow with life much easier, to trust the universe and to free yourself from fear of the unknown. Likewise it has deodorant and purifying properties.

It is often known as arbol vitae, which means tree of life, in Latin. It has been used for purification, healing and spiritual practices in many cultures around the world for thousands of years. Its aroma is often believed to help establish a connection with spirituality. Expel negative influences and welcome positive ones. Promote positive thoughts and help interpret internal messages.

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This is one of the aromas that has calming properties, which have the ability to control emotional stress. It is ideal when it comes to relaxing nerves and is excellent for reducing the effects of migraines.

It brings peace to your days, it’s a special perfume for every day, as it promotes well-being and balance. You can wear this fragrance whenever you want to dispel moments of tension or high stress. Being a perfume widely used to relax before going to bed.

It is among the most appreciated aromas in the world, it helps improve mental lucidity and emotional balance, especially during states of anger and frustration. Also promote motivation, enthusiasm, direction and confidence. For this reason, it is excellent for strengthening your resolve in the face of challenges and responsibilities on days when you are very overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted.

A sensual and romantic scent that helps improve instincts and open to love and trust. With these characteristics he becomes the perfect companion for rational thinkers who have lost touch with emotions. He also balances hormones and relieves symptoms that have to do with menopause.

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Relieves emotional stress and depression, as it offers revitalizing effects. Ideal when it comes to leading a more relaxed lifestyle or to regain enthusiasm. Furthermore, it is a perfume much loved by children and the young at heart.

For some, this is their daily perfume companion, representing happiness in a small bottle. For Ayurvedic medicine it has been used for many years for creative inspiration. It lifts the spirits, invigorates the spirit and calms the mind.

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In a spiritual sense, neroli essential oil is known to clear the mind of fear and panic. Be of great help to stay in the present moment, promote self-actualization and confidence. It is also very famous for helping to overcome very difficult circumstances, such as deep bereavements and crises.

With a sweet, earthy and woody aroma, it is responsible for connecting with the earthly spirit and helps to regain contact with the body to focus and achieve balance. It has calming properties that work very well to dispel hysteria, anger and irritability, while also reducing neurotic behavior. Known as one of the aphrodisiac aromas.

Stimulating and balancing, which in turn promotes healthy, positive thoughts and feelings. Recharge people with good energy and be of great help in releasing emotions that had been pent up, such as denial, rejection and self-judgment.

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Quite appreciated for having a floral, exotic and warm aroma, perfect for when it comes to relaxing the nervous system. It promotes positive feelings, calming some emotional states such as anger, panic, rage, jealousy and fear. It also stimulates creativity, understanding and intuition. It is also an aphrodisiac essence, so it can awaken sensuality and facilitate intimate approach.

How to use these perfumes?
Ideally, start slowly, such as using an essential oil diffuser. By putting up to four drops of the aroma that you like best or that identifies with your emotional state that you present in the day or what you want to relieve.

The use of a stove is also excellent, placing these drops on small hot stones to enjoy a pleasant scent all day long. An air freshener with good quality fragrances is something that works great. Time to time programmed to fire automatically.

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