Carnivorous dinosaurs in Bari, video of the fossil footprints on the coast and the paleontologist confirms “it is important to protect them”

Those reported in the summer of 2023 along the coast of Santo Spirito (in Bari ) represent only a part of the numerous fossil footprints identified for several years by experts:

The problem – confirms a well-known paleontologist to the microphones of a television station, whose report we report below – the attribution of paternity of each discovery is not as important as their protection. In fact, these are fossil remains that should be preserved and studied through ad hoc funds. For years, geologists and paleontologists have been confirming the importance of funding scientific studies for these geosites but funds are scarce while the rains and sea water – hoping not to add vandalism – continue to damage these finds . Specifically, these would be not only footprints of vegetarian ankylosaurs but also the remains of three-toed footprints belonging tosmall carnivorous dinosaurs of the Cretaceous period , last period of the Mesozoic era. As previously reported by , much larger and probably more preserved carnivorous dinosaur footprints have been identified in an abandoned quarry in the Molfetta hinterland , in addition to the numerous footprints of different species of vegetarian dinosaurs already reported some time ago by experts along the coast that connects the territories of Trani and Bisceglie . The link to the service shot in Santo Spirito:

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