Pregnant again woman during pregnancy: what is superfetation

An Englishwoman named Rebecca Roberts , has given birth to her twins, Rosalie and Noah. So far, nothing strange, except that the twins were conceived in two different moments . The woman became pregnant while she was already pregnant:

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This phenomenon called superfetation is very rare: only 10 cases have been recognized since 1960. The woman was pregnant with her first child Noah, but she became pregnant with her second child. They are twins , but not equal, conceived at a distance of time from each other. The second baby was conceived 21 days later than the first. The two fetuses were discovered during an ultrasound. Fortunately, complications during pregnancy were excluded from the very beginning:

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She added: ‘ Words cannot explain how happy we are to have both twins at home. Noah is really thriving and Rosalie is also growing well“. Rebecca has also created an Instagram profile dedicated exclusively to her children, @roberts.supertwins , to let those who are fond of their story follow their growth path.

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The most widespread complication in these cases is that one of the two may be born before the time has to face various problems due to premature birth, but this is not a certain thing, fortunately, as happened with Rebecca’s children, everything can end in best of ways.

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How can supergestation happen ? Professor Asma Khalil of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, explained to HuffPost UK: ‘Superfetation is when non-identical twins are conceived at different times. It is so rare that it is impossible to give a precise figure on how many cases occur in a year but, making a rough estimate, we can get to one or two“.

These are very rare cases, because when a woman becomes pregnant, the ovulation process stops, so it is impossible to conceive other children in those nine months. But in rare cases it doesn’t happen and it can happen that the woman becomes pregnant again. It is not clear why some women are more predisposed to this type of phenomenon and others are not. Video links:

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